Measurement-related remediation support for soil and groundwater remediation in the Schwarze Pumpe industrial park
From 2018 – 2023 we monitored the entire renovation project with measurement technology. The pollutants contaminated with phenols, PAHs and BTEX aromatics were excavated by soil exchange to a depth of up to 14m and vacuum-thermally treated in the industrial park and then backfilled. meta ensured continuous emission and immission measurements around the different construction areas as well as the extraction systems in the excavation area. In combination with visual and acoustic alarms, on-site display of the measured values and immediate notification of all those involved if limit values were exceeded, it was possible to carry out an accident-free renovation and a completely documented series of measurements over four years. Everyone involved had access to the measurement data via browser and email and, thanks to our regular maintenance on the measurement technology, there were no significant device failures despite the harsh environmental conditions. Approximately 286,000 tons of contaminated soil were cleaned over the entire renovation period.