Our individual solutions, especially for the semiconductor industry, are based on many years of development and testing. With meta’s one-hand solution, you can connect your external processmeasurement technology to a large number of measurement points.
Through the constant further development of the material we use, we minimize the adsorption of pollutants. The intelligent arrangement of the valves and internal controls prevent unnecessary dead volumes in your sample. All measuring points can be freely parameterized and can be seamlessly connected to your network with our software solution. The self-monitoring of the sample flows and their volume flow as well as pressure conditions gives you the necessary security that your measurement process and the production dependent on it runs smoothly.
We are happy to be your direct contact and offer you, as a manufacturer and developer, convenient and personal support. We would be happy to work with you to develop a cost- and space-saving model that is exactly right for your application.
Previously integrated analyzers for measuring mainly NH3, HF & HCL from: Picarro, Thermo Fisher, Tiger optics, Whitmore and others.

René Meye
Telefon: +49 351 254 1120
Mobil: +49 172 353 3239
e-Mail: rene.meye@meta-dresden.de